26th March 2020
For brands, times of uncertainty can offer a valuable opportunity to take stock
Illustration by Pangaea
Businesses around the world are entering uncharted territory offering a unique opportunity for self-reflection – and this could mean emerging from the crisis stronger than before.
In a matter of days, the incremental measures to control the global pandemic turned our lives upside down. In the process, they’ve also brought the fragility of business and the wider economy into sharp focus.
However varied our businesses and brands are, we’re all getting to grips with a new and ever-changing reality.
So what does that mean? It means taking a long, hard look at who you are as a business and what you stand for. It means asking brave questions like, “Do our brand and values still fit this new reality?”, or “What message do we want people to come away with?” And it means refocusing your marketers’ efforts and budget on helping you emerge stronger and truer to your brand than before.
Creating a sense of being “in this together”
Take working from home. We’ve all done this individually, but what’s the dynamic when the whole company consists of homeworkers?
Managing this new normal effectively, is about engaging your people around a shared goal: the ambition of the company. So everything you say to them needs to reflect your company values and purpose.
One of our clients, understood this early on. They came to us for help engaging their homeworking workforce; we suggested delivering a series of virtual workshops on brand strategy and story. These will educate employees in the overall ambition of the company and how each of them contributes to it. And crucially, they’ll create a sense of “We’re all in this together”.
When businesses face such unprecedented challenges, there’s also nothing to hide behind; all pretences fall away. Recognising this, another client of ours has used the crisis to show that they’re vulnerable, not invincible. And they’re exhibiting both honesty and humility in their dealings with customers as well as employees. We believe people will remember this refreshing approach for a long time.
Cancelled meetings & events
How to have the upper hand in “normal 2.0”
For us, these examples teach us three important things:
The lock-down brings an opportunity to reflect and reset your brand. That means checking your values – do they still stand? If so, are you applying them to all your employee communications, as well as what you say to customers? What about your purpose – is it well-defined, believable and true? If not, now is the perfect time to get it right, and develop a culture people will want to be part of.
Being in lock-down pares businesses down to their bare essentials, and the truth becomes even more important. Be honest and show you’re vulnerable.
There are companies out there already acting this way – and you should join them. Because when the world returns to normal (or rather, normal 2.0), you may find you come out on top.
Have any questions? Drop us a line at hello@pangaeacreative.co.uk
Pangaea is an independent design consultancy that grew out of Formula1. We thrived in this cutting edge, fast-moving environment and now bring our experience of designing in F1 to clients and brands seeking to gain an edge over their competitors in any market.